
In the mail today, I got notification of a 10-year class reunion next month.  It’s for college.  I got to thinking about it and I didn’t really make many friends in college.  A few, but we have become mostly just Facebook Friends at this point.  Our real lives interfering with our ability to stay connected face-to-face.

If I don’t attend, they would like me to contact them with a story that can be shared with the group that does attend.  A story?  From college?  Hm, drawing a blank.  I’m not a joiner and I was older.  I started college at 22, not 18.  Do I have any stories to share?  Not really.

A quick look back makes me realize that while most people were busy enjoying college, I was busy getting an education.  I didn’t go to join History Club or the track team.  I didn’t even go with the intention of making new friends and meeting new people.

I did learn, earning a couple of degrees and graduating with far more credit hours than I needed.  But did I gain anything?  I’m not sure.

One thought on “Reunions

  1. Didnt you gain knowledge for your wonderful writing career? I’ve learned a lot just by reading your books! You have come a long way! Now me, its my 40th hight school and nothing to show for it! And yes I am old


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