The One Day Tournament

There are a lot of tournaments in April/May/June.  As a result of my current expenses (medical bills are astronomical, even with insurance, when they are searching for an unknown illness, plus a car payment, regular bills, book publishing expenses, and student loan repayments… yeah, I’m pretty poor come pay day), it is nearly impossible for me to chip in on our travel.  My SO is footing the bills for tournaments.

There’s a good one in Topeka, Kansas this weekend.  Started Friday, ends Sunday.  However, we are driving up and back for the Saturday events.  Lots of my darter friends will be there.  More importantly, my nephew will be there and I do miss having him around since he moved to KC.

It’s going to be exhausting.  I run out of steam at normal tournaments, where I can go hide in my hotel room and take a nap.  Not having a hotel room to run to though will be trying.  Plus it’s about a 3 1/2 hour drive, one way and I have to get up at 6 am instead of my normal 8:30.

I will come home, run down and on the verge of total mental shutdown.  That’s what happens with one day tournaments when we don’t stay.  It’s gotten worse this year as we continue to search for whatever the hell is wrong with me, aside from the stress of not knowing what is wrong with me.  Evidence is still pointing to something in the ladies’ unmentionables department; particularly my cervix and I’m growing tired of the phrase “it might still be cancer, we just couldn’t diagnosis it yet.”

Sunday I will continue to be worthless as I recover from the travel.  Travel has always taken it out of me.  This year, travel is a form of torture.  However, I shouldn’t complain too much, I’m still healthy enough to go, despite what follows.  And my friends know me well enough to let me just be sometimes.  I’m taking my tablet to read or play games to help combat the constant drone of noise and people.  I might take my sleeping mask and go nap in the car, should I become too tired to function.

We shall see what the day brings.  I’ll give an update on Sunday.