OMG! Stop! It Hurts!

Wednesday morning, I woke up fine, I had met my word goal for the day by noon and I had the afternoon in front of me to write more.  By 5 p.m., I had a tickle in my throat.  By the time I finished darts, it was a full on cough.

Yesterday, I ended up in the ER.  It’s not pneumonia, which is good, but it is acute bronchitis.  I feel like I’m drowning and when I cough, that feeling gets worse.  My ribs, lungs and throat hurt from coughing.  Hot liquids soothe my throat, but I don’t drink tea or coffee.  So I’ve been drinking warm milk, water with honey and hot chocolate.

The silver lining.., I haven’t smoked much.  Nine cigarettes since this time yesterday.

They gave me a Z-pak and inhaler at the hospital and told me to get some Claritin.  None of it is helping my cough.  I didn’t sleep last night, it is worse after the sun goes down.  And I do mean, I got no sleep.  Instead, I got to watch One for the MoneyA Night At The Opera, Clue, and I’m about half way through the six-hour BBC production of Pride & Prejudice starring Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle.

My goal today is to get a few hours of sleep.