Not As Planned – This Monday Sucks

So, this week did not start off well and it is definitely not going as planned.  My weeks start on Sunday nights.  However, even by my standards, I’m thinking of just scraping this week and moving on to next.

Last night, I sat down and began working on Innocent Dreams around 10 pm.  At around 11:30 pm, I had roughly 1,500 words written and everything was falling into place.  Meaning the writing was really starting to flow.  Then Lola popped out of bed and came into the living room.  She needed out.  I took her out.

When we came back in, she curled up on the couch next to me.  About ten minutes later, she moved onto my lap and my laptop.  She deleted all of chapter 6 in Innocent Dreams and then shut down my computer when I tried to move her paw and undo her deletion (she moved the other one onto the power button).  Roughly, 2,300 words gone.  I know she didn’t mean to do it.  She’s a dog, she just wanted attention, but it’s still frustrating.  I quit working last night and spent time loving on her.

Now for this morning.  My SO is a mechanic and sometimes, bad things happen to mechanics.  I know guys who have lost fingers and nearly bled to death because something went ary and cut the shit out of them.

What I was not prepared for was a phone call at 9:20 am telling me he had caught on fire.  He’s a mower mechanic and was working on a machine that had gas in the engine.  He removed the spark plugs and started draining the gas, when it caught fire and caught him on fire.  I’m pretty good in a crisis when it’s happening.  So I managed to calmly get to the ER and sit in the room with him.

It wasn’t nearly as bad as it could have been.  First and second degree burns to his left arm, the left side of his chest, and on his face.  He’s doped up and sore.  The dressing have to be changed every so often and we have to make sure they stay clean and dry.  But his work shirts melt, they don’t burn like cotton.  Somehow, his went up in flames, but didn’t melt to his skin.  Also, despite the gasoline being on fire and spewing onto him, there were no places that sustained third degree burns.

Few things hurt like burns and I know he’s in pain, but he’s taking the pain meds and following doctor’s orders… which is amazing because he isn’t real good about following orders or going to doctors or taking pills.

Now that the crisis is over though, I just want to sit and cry for a few minutes.  It scared the shit out of me.  And I am very thankful that it wasn’t worse, because it could have easily been…

So, maybe tomorrow I’ll get back on track or maybe Wednesday.  Today, I’m done.