That’s Not At All Creepy

The light in my bathroom has begun flickering.  It’s a compact fluorescent nearing the end of it’s life.

Yesterday, it popped on fine, no flickering.  So, I thought great, it can wait a few more days!  Then I hopped in the shower and it began flickering before it went out.  A few moments later, it flickered back to life.

Thank you childhood for making a flickering light bulb while I shower a traumatic incident.  🙂

5 thoughts on “That’s Not At All Creepy

  1. Ha!! Love it. The other day I stayed in bed and gorged on horror novels. I was completely involved in creepy resurrected bodies when my bathroom door slowly started to open. It made that awful squeaky-hinge sound as a bonus. Sadly, I was not brave. I did not pull an Uzi out from under my pillow and stare down the evil zombie serial killer hiding in my pottie. Oh, no, I screamed like a little boy and threw my kindle at the door. The evil creature screeched and shot out of the bedroom. Oops, sorry, kitty. Thankfully, kitty and kindle are fine.

    Love your books, Hadena Jamespu

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  2. This reminds me of the time I watched serial killer movies all day – ending up with the Green River one last and then that night I had to sleep with the lights on and every time the A/C kicked on – I screeched like a baby…..time for a new bulb Hadena…

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