Mutilated Dreams is Weird

Mutilated Dreams is perhaps the strangest book I have ever written in the Dreams & Reality novels.

First, there aren’t any dead people.  Not yet anyway and I’m on chapter 9 (depending on the numbering system vs. actual chapters).  It’s also missing its customary blood, guts, and gore.  (I’m sure that will change by the end)

Second, they are in New Orleans.  Sometimes, my characters can still surprise me and Aislinn is having a little trouble with voodoo.  She doesn’t seem like the believer type, but turns out, she is.

Third, a character showed up that I wasn’t expecting.  I knew he’d show up eventually, but he’s early by a couple of books.  He’s changed some dynamics of the story.

Finally, it’s always weird when Xavier is the most level headed member of the group.  Which at the moment, is his role.

None of these things are bad, just odd and unintentional.  I always consider it a good thing when my books and characters surprise me.  It shows evolution in their personality that I had not realized was happening.

(PS: WordPress made changes to their website… I’m figuring it out, but it’s still weird)

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